Giving back, the JGMS way.

We are really proud that we have made significant impacts in the communities in which we live and work. Our community stewardship and servant leadership are oftentimes the first thing people of think of when they hear of JGMS. To me, this is how it should be.

- Jerome Gonzales | CEO + Founder

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. It is that we are powerful beyond measure.”


Do meaningful work with people you love.

- Jim Collins

Riverside Educational Center

In 2005, JGMS provided the seed money to launch Riverside Educational Center (REC) providing after school tutoring and enrichment for K-12 students. Today, REC still serves the Grand Junction, CO community in a big way!

Inc 5000 Fastest Growing Companies 2007 - 2013

Do what you love and success will follow. Passion is the fuel behind a successful career.”

– Meg Whitman

Best Company to Work for in Colorado 2013

“I tell my girls it’s important to have people and organizations that support you, but it’s really up to you. Be the hero of your own story.”

- Jeni Brown | CFO

CEIP Program

Simply put, we want our employees to chase their dreams – and if we can help in anyway, we will! We launched the Corporate Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship Program (CEIP) to support and encourage our team members to pitch new ideas that lead to new products, services, and companies. We offer the CEIP program to all part-time and full-time JGMSers.